Welcome To Our Website

Are you tired of renting from landlords that don't fix anything and expect to receive full rent every month?  Are you tired of renting from landlords that have no flexibility and makes everything difficult on purpose?  Are you tired of being told that your credit score is not high enough when you know you make more than enough money to afford the place and you are just simply trying to find a home for your family?


For all of our homes with both take top care of our properties.  We also never reject an applicant on the basis of their credit score only.

We charge higher than most but we maintain all of our properties at a high standard with a quick turn around on ALL complaints and concerns.

We also believe in open and honest bi-directional communications.  As a result we pride ourselves is working with our tenants.  Evictions are always a last resort when there is open and honest bi-directional communications in advance of any issues.  The key to this is everyone must say what they mean always and do what they say when they say they are going to do it.

For more details click on the link above for one of the properties and be sure to read all of our terms and conditions at the link above as well.

Our Guarantee

We are so confident that you will be satisfied with this service that we are willing do double your security deposit when you move out.